Saturday, November 26, 2011

Food Poisoned, Again

I managed to get food poisoning again, and it was a bummer, though I think it was slightly better than the first two times. Getting food poisoning just seems to be a fact of life here--there are some fellows who get it even more often than I do. Students tend to have issues with it as well--there's often a student out with stomach problems.

I'm just glad that there's a bathroom I can use close by--it makes the whole experience a lot more bearable than it would otherwise be.


  1. I am sorry to hear about that. Hope you recover soon.

  2. Your father managed to get food sick in Las Vegas, Nevada, yesterday, if that makes you feel any better. I got sent out for the pepto & ginger ale. The question we asked ourselves later was...why did we go to an empty restaurant in a failing strip mall?

  3. oops, that last comment was Nora, not Bill. I've stolen his computer.

  4. I hope you are feeling much better and will work on figuring out how to avoid the Chinese equivalent of the failing strip mall/empty restaurant!
